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Number Decorator

The Number decorator is used to apply validations to numerical properties within classes in TypeScript, ensuring that data meets certain specified criteria before being processed or stored.


  • min: number - Specifies the minimum value that the number must have.
  • max: number - Defines the maximum value allowed for the number.
  • integerOnly: boolean - Indicates whether only integers are allowed (true) or float numbers are allowed (false).
  • positiveOnly: boolean - Indicates whether only positive numbers are allowed.
  • negativeOnly: boolean - Indicates whether only negative numbers are allowed.
  • divisibleBy: number - Specifies a value by which the number must be divisible.


To use the NumberValidator decorator, simply decorate the numeric properties of your classes with the desired constraints.

Basic Example

import { ClassValidator, Number } from "rest-data-validator";

class Product {
  @Number({ min: 0 })
  price: number;

  @Number({ integerOnly: true, min: 1 })
  stock: number;

In this example, price must be a non-negative number, while stock must be a positive integer.

Validation of Divisible Numbers

class Measurement {
  @Number({ divisibleBy: 0.5 })
  length: number;

Here, length must be a number divisible by 0.5, allowing values like 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, etc.

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